Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick short term plan...

I figured I'd make a quick post here, stating a short term plan for the (hopefully) very near future. It gives me something to work to, and gives people who read this (however many actually do!) something to look forward to. Anyway, here's what I'll be working on, in order, in the following ... chunk of time.

-Finish new movement system (lots to do here, including proper animation [drawings -are- done], and dodge roll implementation)
-Finish weapons (only one more to do, just bug fixing)
-Create demo level / demo boss (or maybe, intro level?)

Once that is done, I can get into the meat of the game...
-Begin working on the 8 "robot master" levels

Now then, off to work I go! Hiyah! ... Learning new functions, especially advanced ones, is hard :(

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dare I post a playable build? Hmm.

Been debating if I want to or not. Can't decide if I should. On the one hand it shows I've done stuff. On the other hand, I don't want to spoil the bosses/powers they give (all of which are currently working. Mostly...)

Would a playable build featuring only basic movement / normal buster functionality be worth it? Hmm... Gimmie some input!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Contact and stuff!

Hello again everyone!

It's been a while since I posted last, I know. A few things to update.

First, something I should've had ages ago: I made an email for this blog, so people can get into contact with me in private. If you would like to ask me a question, if you'd like to help, if you want to tell me I'm awesome or that I suck, whatever is on your mind, please feel free to do so at !

Secondly, I know I haven't had any updates about the game in a while. I had a bit of a virus scare with the program I use to make games, Multimedia Fusion 2. I went out and bought the full version, but it turned out some of the extension files were (supposedly) infected. I'm paranoid about viruses and computers, I can't help it. I had to contact them on their site, and I even submitted oneo f the files to be tested as a false positive. They assured me their files were clean, and the file I sent in was indeed a false positive. There was one other file that was coming up as a virus but I haven't sent it in yet, but again, they told me it should be fine. It's silly, I know, but I can't help myself. I worry about viruses. Computers are expensive! Updates will start again soon, I swear! (Faster if some super-tech savvy dood can help me with my virus woes! :3)

Lastly, our wonderful musician Paratroopa1 has been working hard with music. He even presented it at a gathering... someplace I forgot to ask about. Check it out here!

See you soon!